Guidance for beginners about the Most Popular Website Builder | Learn WordPress Development Step by Step

Features Of WordPress | Learn WordPress Development

WordPress is one of the most simple waysthat can create a website easily. Most of the websites on the internet are powered by WordPress. Many years ago WordPress works to create a blog but day by day it can able to improve its function. Nowadays, the changes create more opportunities that you can create a website with this WordPress. So in today’s world, Learn WordPress Development Step by Step is not only the power of a huge no of business websites but this is also a great way that can able to create an e-commerce store as well.

What you can create with WordPress?

With this WordPress, you can able to create these listed things that are given below.

  • Membership sites
  • Forums
  • Business website
  • Blogs
  • Resumes
  • E-commerce stores
  • Portfolios
  • Social networks and some other.
Best online WordPress Courses & Certificate | Learn WordPress Development Step by Step

How to learn WordPress? – Learn WordPress Development Step by Step

Whatever you want to do, you first need to learn about that and gather some basic information also. In this case, if you want to work with WordPress then you need to learn how to use it. It does not require a lot of time or money but you need to concentrate while learning. There are some ways that you can learn WordPress free in a few days. For that, you just need to set your goal for this. Your aim will be just familiar with WordPress and how it works to create a website as well. You can follow these points to learn more.

  • Grab all basic information about WordPress
  • Know how the system works
  • Search for the uses of WordPress plugins
  • Know using WordPress themes
  • Search for how to customise WordPress
  • And continue tograb knowledge about WordPress.

Steps to learn WordPress Development

As we already know that WordPress is the most popular content management system. So once you know the ways to create a website you can able to get more opportunities in this field. And you can learn WordPress development as there are many opportunities for the learners. Here we will discuss how to learn WordPress development step by step.

  • Learn the basics of WordPress: You should learn first WordPress dashboard, media images, customised theme options, General setting, post and pages and other settings as well.
  • code basic HTML page: Learn how to create a basic simple page with images and links.
  • know the uses of CSS: Then you need to learn how to change the colour or height of the images and background of any page using CSS.
  • Create a website using bootstrap
  • Create a basic WordPress theme
  • First understand and then write loops in the theme template
  • learn how to customize the admin area and some more steps that can help you to learn more broadly.

WordPress for Freelancing

Those who work as freelance WordPress experts, have to work on various types of tasks or projects. So if you want to become an expert then you need to learn WordPress for freelancing. For that first, you need to understand what type of work you have to do. Here are some things that you need to learn WordPress skills for freelancing.

  • Create a website and set a goal first. During this process, you can learn how to make a user maintain the website.
  • Set a goal for building a survey plugin for WordPress. And in this process, you come to know about HTML, CSS and PHP.
  • Work as a WordPress developer. So that you can able to learn themes development and other related business categories.
  • Do practice 4 to 6 hours to handle your website so that it will become very easy to deal with the techniques.
  • And the main thing is to understand the goal of your website.


So if you can create a personal website or business site or an e-commerce store by using WordPress then it reflects that you are good at WordPress. You need to make yourself an expert on WordPress as it is very easy to learn.

Visit Our Youtube Channel: Learn WordPress – NKM Digital

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